
Platinum Sponsors

“Sponsor_ESAB"/ ESAB Canada delivers quality solutions to the welding and cutting needs of the Canadian market. Located in Ontario, the ESAB Canada head office boasts a state-of-the-art automated warehouse, an on-site training facility, and a hands-on welding lab where the latest equipment can be tried and demonstrated.ESAB is one of the first external sponsors to support the UofT Baja Team. Their superior equipment and expertise will greatly enhance a fabrication experience
Sponsor MIE Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at the University of Toronto is home to undergraduate programs in Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering, and graduate programs that specialize in a wide range of mechanical and industrial research areas. From robotics, to human factors, to bioengineering, researchers in our department are on the cutting edge of the latest technologies that are revolutionizing our world.UofT BAJA Team is very grateful for support from Deborah Peart and Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Jean W. Zu

Gold Sponsors

Silver/Bronze Sponsors

“Sponsor_ESAB"/ “Sponsor_ESAB"/ Sponsor MIE “Sponsor_ESAB"/

If you would like to find out more about sponsoring the U of T Baja Team, read our Sponsorship Package.  If you are interested in sponsoring us, contact us.  We appreciate any donation of funds, parts, or services!

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